Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Summer ends, and school begins!

Hello all!

To end the summer with a bang, we went to a Waterpark in Sandusky, Ohio called Kalahari and stayed overnight. We had a blast playing in the water from morning until night.
The weather was perfect, and the slides were better! The kids had a blast on the slides, and never seemed to wear out! At 10 pm, we had to drag them out of the water, and stopping for food was a chore!
They loved the fact that we had a balcony and could see the outdoor pools from our room.
What memories we made!

We had a recent visit from Mema and grandpa, from California. We got home from our little vacation just as they drove into town from PA.

Of course, we enjoyed the sounds of duets from the piano...

and games as much as we could!

And as a special Anniversary present for Dan and Shell, dad treated us with a BBQ - everyone's favorite!

We had a great time learning to play PIG, and having long games of UNO.

And the kids just had a ball being silly and showing off!
And then...

School Begins!

Brooke and Sean are now in 4th and 2nd grade. Brooke, as you can see, is taking on the look and attitude of one in the intermediate hall, and is excited to be moving up in the world. Sean doesn't say much about school itself, but is so thrilled to be back with friends!

Ryan has been so excited to start school, he has been counting down for days. Our baby has started Kindergarten, and Shell is, well, overjoyed! He will be missed, of course, but he is soooooo ready, and so is she. He loved his first day, and as you can tell, was grinning ear to ear all day!

We sure have had a fantastic summer. We have been so busy, with so many things, and have been blessed in so many ways. More than anything, we are so grateful to be together as a family and to experience life at it fullest! We are happy, healthy and blessed! We love all of you, family and friends, and we are so thankful for the love and support from each of you every day!


Randee Mecham said...

Hey do your kids take piano lessons? If so could you let me know from who. thanks!

The Waters family said...

Shell, I missed you at church today :) I hope you had a great time!!!